Rapid Global School:- Best School at Bidhuna Auraiya.


Home ICT
Junior School


The Junior School have a purpose-built Computer Room, where there is a networked suite of PCs. Software and teaching are geared to the needs of the Junior pupils.

To find out more follow the link to our Junior ICT Resources page.

Summary of ICT in the Junior School

Finding, exploring, analysing, exchanging and presenting information responsibly, creatively and with discrimination

Enabling rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures

Microsoft software based Curriculum supplemented by other age appropriate packages.

‘Hands on’ approach

Topics covered in Year 3

Word processing

Combining text with graphics

Touch Typing

Music Composition Software

Picture making using drawing, painting and design software

Topics covered in Year 4

Developing on Year 3 topics

Information gathering via the internet and email use

Simple programming is attempted using the logo language

Broadband safety understanding

Topics covered in Year 5

Developing on Year 4 topics

Data handling and spreadsheets

Independent Learning Skills

Advanced internet search

Research and Disseminating Information

Topics covered in Year 6

Microsoft PowerPoint to create an electronic presentation

Use Flowol 2 software to control and command mimics such as Traffic Control Systems.

Pupils are encouraged to use the IT skills they acquire in their work across the curriculum with consultation from their Form and Subject teachers.